Monday, June 11, 2012

Support is here (and no, not a bra)

I just want to give a shout out to the people that have found me and my blog. Thank you!!! I know life isn't too interesting right now pre-band, but I am sooooo looking forward to being on the other side, knowing that I can turn to all of you to whip any bad attitude out of the way, and encourage me to persevere. I think the support system was missing in all my other attempts at weight loss, so get ready to play the role!!!
yay for support!


  1. yYea!!!! It does help. It is a scary thing so to hear real life experiences is always good. Some are good and some are bad but all are the TRUTH.

    Love the pic...very 50 shades of grey!

  2. picture hilarious! and I kind of felt that way when ever I did a pre surgery blog entry....your surgery will be here before you know it!

  3. Thanks for sending me the link to your blog :) Love the picture...if I had that bra I would totally walk around with it on!!

  4. Thank you ladies! Glad you found me and are willing to be the "Hands" of support!
